Top Interview Tips

This article discusses:

  • Setting yourself up for success
  • Establishing rapport
  • How to navigate an interview and what to avoid
  • Questions to ask the hiring manager before the interview ends

Feeling nervous before a job interview is normal, but there are certain steps you can take to help you feel more confident.

Firstly, preparation is key, set yourself up for success

Understand the details of the role you’re interviewing for:

  1. Research the role; thoroughly read over the job description and requirements
  2. Reach out to mutual connections in similar roles and get their input
  3. Ask questions about the role, this will deepen your understanding of what would be required of you

Research the company

  1. Utilise all available resources to uncover as much information as you can on the company and team
  2. Look into the company history, this will give you great insight into how the business operates
  3. Browsing social media accounts can be a helpful way to learn more about the company’s culture

Understand the product or service you will be working with

  • The more information you have, the more knowledgeable you will come across

Establishing rapport

The hiring manager’s perception of you is crucial. They are not only analysing your resume/CV and accomplishments, but are looking to see if you will be a good fit for their team. A recent study by shows that 70% of hiring managers focus on a candidate’s personality when considering them for a position.

Some key tips are…

  1. Be confident when speaking (know your facts)
  2. Show your character and personality
Interview Tips

Navigation during an interview

It should go without saying, be there on time, and it is best to arrive ten minutes before your interview starts. When answering questions, make sure you’re taking your time, focusing on the question being asked and taking a moment if needed. Present your response clearly and concisely.

Things to avoid

Using placeholder words such as “um” or “like”:

  • If you need a moment, pause, and do not use placeholder words, this can make you sound unsure

Speaking negatively about past employers:

  • Speaking negatively about current or past employers can reflect poorly on your character

Showing up late to an interview:

  • This will automatically give the hiring manager a negative perception of you. If you’re going to be late or can not make the interview, give notice, and offer a new day/time

Before the interview ends 

This is the time to ask questions and clarify certain points. This shows that you’ve done your research and want to learn more about the role and business. Some examples are:

  1. What makes this role challenging and what have other successful employees done to set themselves apart?
  2. Is there room for growth in this role?
  3. What does an average day in this role look like?
  4. What are the next steps?

After the interview

Send a follow-up email thanking the hiring manager. The thank you email should be short and to the point, thank them for their time and reiterate your interest in hearing back. After you’ve sent your initial follow-up email, give them time to respond, and wait around three days before sending anything else. Be prepared to wait, interview processes vary from company to company but usually, it is normal to wait several days to hear back.

Key takeaways

  1. Do your research
  2. Speak with purpose
  3. Answer questions clearly
  4. Ask questions about the business
  5. Send thank you & follow-ups


For more advice contact us at [email protected] and one of our consultants will be in touch.


Candidates can effectively prepare for an interview by going beyond the standard advice of researching the company and understanding the role. They can reach out to mutual connections in similar roles to gain insights, ask questions about the role to deepen their understanding and utilise available resources to learn about the company’s culture and team dynamics.

Candidates can employ other strategies during interviews to make a positive impression. They should speak confidently, demonstrating their knowledge and expertise while showcasing their personality to establish rapport with the hiring manager. It’s essential to answer questions clearly and concisely, focusing on the question being asked and avoiding distractions.

Candidates can inquire about what makes the role challenging and how successful employees have set themselves apart, providing valuable insights into the company’s values and work environment. Additionally, asking about the next steps in the interview process demonstrates proactive interest in the role.


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